I’m checking in and I want to ask if you are ok. And before you respond, don’t give the auto-pilot answer without actually pondering the question. Take 5 seconds and ask yourself how you’re feeling. I’ll wait.
Are you ok at a soul level? Like, deep in your inner recesses, how are you coping? Are you functioning on little sleep or fighting through the uneasiness of all that is happening in the world? Are you practicing self-care, self-love or self-empowerment? Do you feel discouraged or overwhelmed as a mother?
With the COVID-19 pandemic, the pressures of adulting, and the range of things our children need, it can be a lot to bear. Chances are, you’ve had good days and bad days. And it’s important to check in with yourself and those around you.
It can all take a toll.
If you have struggled, chances are others around you are in the same boat. Your neighbor, co-worker or friend is probably feeling the same way. So, this is an opportunity to phone a friend. To intentionally support the women around you and hopefully receive support in return. To identify ways for you and your crew of women practice self-care, self-love and self-empowerment.
Your assignment: Check on your people. Schedule a zoom call. Send a card. Shoot a quick text asking, “Are you ok?” Because we all need to know that someone has our back. It can get hard in these streets, so let’s be our sister’s keeper.
Until next time! XOXO, Desiree