Experience and research shows that women are often interrupted, talked over, or shut down in conversations. Experiencing this can cause you to doubt what you bring to the table and even condition you to speak up less.
I hope that this not your reality because your voice matters and you have a perspective that needs to be heard. Plus, your experiences give you insights that can change the tide of things.
If this is your experience, I am encouraging you to resist shrinking or making yourself small. If you’re struggling with how to do this this, here are a few strategies you can try:
✅ Creating a mental ‘highlight reel’ of accomplishments that you’re proud of… so you remember your greatness in moments of uncertainty.
✅ Practicing how you’ll respond if someone tries to dim your light.
✅ Reading an affirmation to start your day to remind yourself of all this you were capable of.
The world needs more of what you have, so whether it is at home, work, with family, or in social situations… Remember who you are and stand in that!💯