Are you ready to learn the 3 habits that will jumpstart your work week & help you level up? These tips are especially for mamas who juggle all of the things and feel the demands of work, kids, and home.
Even if you’re juggling these things expertly, it can be hard to prioritize what matters most to you. So, read on because these 3 things will support your wellness and transform your week.
1. Write Your Goals Down
It sounds simple, but being intentional about writing your goals can be transformational. That’s because writing your goals down allows you to stay focused and minimize the clutter in your head. The act of writing down your goals creates a landing place for your ideas, your to do list, and those pesky things you have forgotten. Try to get in the habit of writing things down because it reduces your mental load and allows you to prioritize what’s most important.
2. Plan Your Workouts or Self-Care
In addition to writing your weekly goals, you should also consider planning your self-care activities. This is because if you don’t actually schedule self-care into your day, it likely won’t happen. With the demands of work, parenting and womanhood, it will be hard for you to take care of yourself. You deserve wellness, so give your mind, body, soul, and spirit, the love and attention it needs by adding self-care to your calendar.
3. Anticipate The Week
Anticipating the week ahead will allow you to mentally prepare for stressful situations, artfully duck out of draining activities and preserve your peace. By carefully planning for a hassle-free week, you will be in a position to focus on the things that are within your control. Anticipating the week helps you to manage the hiccups as they come and it gives you time and space so that hiccups don’t send your world in a tailspin.
Thanks for considering these 3 tips! What life hacks help you get your week off to a great start? What would you add to the list? Let me know and be sure to connect on social media: desireescoleman (all channels)!